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This is a Nuke composite I recently created using greenscreen and roto techniques. I built the block wall in Maya and did the matte painting in Photoshop and Maya.

This is a matte painting created in Nuke.

This is an assignment I did for a Maya class. We took a live action plate and added CG elements in After Effects. I used Bullet, nCloth, Fluids and paint effects to achieve the CG effects. Breakdown below: 

I created this scene in Maya to learn various techniques including nCloth (for flag and glass) fur for grass, xgen plants, Maya paint for trees, and camera projection for some of the house texture. Rendered in Mental Ray. I modeled everything apart from the mate painting which is a photo.

This is an assignment I did for a Cinematography class. I shot greensceen elements of my daughter in the living room, then composited her onto a rooftop created with Element 3D Metropolitan pack and After Effects. 

Here is an attempt at using fluids to simulate wine pouring. It was done in a rush, so there's work to do to make it more like wine and less like Jell-O.

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